Friday, February 14, 2014

Office Yoga - Pranayama


Keep your eyes closed, focusing on the breath

1. Abdominal breathing
Place right palm on navel. Become aware of the way the abdomen rises on inhalation & falls on exhalation.
Start counting. Equalise your breath. Inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds
Do 10 rounds.

2. Anuloma Viloma
1. Ready fingers for closing nostrils, thumb for right, forefinger or last finger for left.
2. Close left nostril, inhale from right for 3 seconds.
3. Close right nostril, exhale from left for 3 seconds.
4. Inhale from left for 3 seconds.
5. Close left, exhale from right for 3 seconds.
This is 1 round. Do 10 rounds.

1. Clears the nasal passages
2. Harmonises both the brain hemispheres
3. Creates mental equlibrium, calming the mind & induces tranquility

Yoga asana for sciatica

This seems to be such a common urban condition, so here is the link to my article

Konasana, trikonasana - is such a wonderful pose. It doesnt have to be done strenuously, just a basic side bend with feet wider than the hip. Make sure your not leaning forward or back. The way to know when your doing it correctly is that you feel a stretch from the hip along the side of your body all the way to the armpit. Another thing to ensure is your breath. It has to be normal, we tend to hold it in this pose. Try staying here for atleast 5 normal breaths. Relax after you do both sides, see where the rush of blood is. Enjoy.